Sunnny copy homepage on desktop and mobile

Case Study | Sunny Copy

Services: branding, design, develop, deploy, optimisation

Performance Score for the sunnycopy website by GT Metrix. Pagespeed Score 100%. YSlow Score = 90%
Optimising a website can be quite an enjoyable process. If you liken it to working on a motor or tuning an instrument.

This is the website that pulled me back into web after a long hiatus. Sunny Copy is the brainchild of Jenna Meade; a copywriting freelancer targeting other creatives.

Words being the the focus for her work and brand, we agreed on a simple design not only for the website but logo too, conveying her message in a minimal manner.

Using a single page static website gave us the most flexibility and optimal performance. Small touches of javascript animations and a careful touch of colour help bring to life the words she so beautifully writes and all elements tie harmoniously together.

Homepage animations drawing the audience into the text.
Technical notes:
- static html
- css/less
- javascript for animations
- font-awesome icons

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